Monday, 30 April 2012

Karl Popper.

“There is no history of mankind, there are only many histories of all kinds of aspects of human life. And one of these is the history of political power. This is elevated into the history of the world.”

Friday, 27 April 2012


“There will be no end to the troubles of states, or of humanity itself, till philosophers become kings in this world, or till those we now call kings and rulers really and truly become philosophers, and political power and philosophy thus come into the same hands.”

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

The anatomy of a puppet.

Hopefully this should answer most of your puppet anatomy questions. 

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Lovely flyers.

We are very excited about our new flyers. They were designed by illustrator Freya Harrison (visit her website, she's very good). The original picture of Isaac was drawn by Naomi Oppenheim, Garyhaus Players' resident puppet specialist. 

Head shots.

The costume department have been working very hard with some frankly rather unruly puppets. The results are, I think, tremendous. Pictured below (from left to right) are Bill Williamson in his Mr Smith costume, Duncan Cottle as the Doctor, and Zac Pinkberry as Mr Rudolph. As Duncan Cottle said to me yesterday, 'When you look this good, who cares if you can't remember your lines?' Although, obviously, I care, quite a bit.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012


Well, I have exciting news. It would seem that Naomi Oppenheim (our principal puppet designer, maker and handler) is due to have a birthday on the 3rd May. Garyhaus fans will instantly recognise this date as being a mere two days before our first performance at the Brighton Fringe. Fans of British holidays meanwhile will immediately note that there is a bank holiday on the 7th May, two days after our first performance and, crucially, one day after our Sunday performance.

What all this means, of course, is that we simply must celebrate on the 6th May, after our Sunday show. The ideal venue for such a celebration is clearly the Regency Tavern, Brighton, which just so happens to also be the venue for 'I have never cared for sunsets'! Coincidences abound.

With this in mind, all audience members are cordially invited to Naomi's birthday party at the Regency Tavern, due to start promptly at 4.45pm on the 6th May. We hope to see you there.

(We cannot stop people from staying in the pub and NOT celebrating Naomi's birthday. It's not our pub. And since you probably don't know her, that's entirely within reason. However, we hope you will absorb the atmosphere of the evening)

Monday, 2 April 2012