Goodness. In all the excitement of doing the puppet show and then not doing the puppet show anymore, I forgot to write a final Brighton fringe post for this blog that nobody reads.
Yes, so it is over and it was wonderful. Thank you to all who came. God bless everybody at the Regency Tavern, who were gracious hosts. Apologies for my pitiful performance as box office lady. I think everybody who paid to see the show managed to see the show in the end. The only negative of the whole thing is that the heatwave arrived the following weekend when I was miles away from any beaches, but that's probably not the fault of anybody in particular.
We got one last review (from Whats on Stage) which was wonderfully complimentary. In parts.
'The Garyhaus Players are either a group of supremely clever and terribly well balanced individuals or a bunch of absolute nutters and, to be honest, I know where my money goes and it’s not on them being well-balanced!'
Anyway he ended up saying it was funny and engaging, so all can be forgiven. I am sad that there will be no more opportunities in the foreseeable future where I can be graded numerically. I love grades.
After the final show, Meg Lavender (who has no real internet presence because she is some sort of ethereal, constantly napping, pixie-like creature) took photos of the puppets in the dark dingy basement and made them look amazing (trickery using a swinging light bulb I think). They can be found on our facebook page. Why not 'like' them? I'd really enjoy that. YOU'D BE A BLOODY FOOL TO NOT GO AND LOOK AT THEM. Here's a teaser:
Yes, so it is over and it was wonderful. Thank you to all who came. God bless everybody at the Regency Tavern, who were gracious hosts. Apologies for my pitiful performance as box office lady. I think everybody who paid to see the show managed to see the show in the end. The only negative of the whole thing is that the heatwave arrived the following weekend when I was miles away from any beaches, but that's probably not the fault of anybody in particular.
We got one last review (from Whats on Stage) which was wonderfully complimentary. In parts.
'The Garyhaus Players are either a group of supremely clever and terribly well balanced individuals or a bunch of absolute nutters and, to be honest, I know where my money goes and it’s not on them being well-balanced!'
Anyway he ended up saying it was funny and engaging, so all can be forgiven. I am sad that there will be no more opportunities in the foreseeable future where I can be graded numerically. I love grades.
After the final show, Meg Lavender (who has no real internet presence because she is some sort of ethereal, constantly napping, pixie-like creature) took photos of the puppets in the dark dingy basement and made them look amazing (trickery using a swinging light bulb I think). They can be found on our facebook page. Why not 'like' them? I'd really enjoy that. YOU'D BE A BLOODY FOOL TO NOT GO AND LOOK AT THEM. Here's a teaser:
That's not even the best one. Maybe I should put the best one up? NO, then were would the incentive to click this link be?
Moving on, let us consider what is next for the Garyhaus Players. Well, there's Secret Garden Party in July. Unfortunately Lori (master of the big orange puppet) can't come. Very sad. We'll get a new person, maybe they'll be just as good. Probably not. Anyway, Secret Garden Party is sold out now so if you were going to buy a ticket just to see Lori your chance is now gone. If you've already bought a ticket just to see Lori then I don't know what to tell you. They're like two hundred pounds. You're mad.
In fact, there may be cheaper ways to see Lori (and the rest of us, I don't know you're so bloody hung up on Lori! Sam and Naomi are also excellent puppeteers and Tye Mcgivern has tricked multiple audiences into believing he can play a viola). Yes, we shall probably do some more shows somewhere. London, I imagine. Maybe in a pub? God knows. I'm not really in charge. If you'd like us to perform at your birthday / wedding / coronation, then we'll probably do it. Although no guarantees. I haven't checked with anybody else, and, as I've already pointed out, I'm not really in charge.
Finally, when we've milked I Have Never Cared for Sunsets for all it's worth, then I suppose I'll have to write something else. Naomi needs more puppets to make to fend off the loneliness. Feel free to send in suggestions. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION.
Well that is all. For now. The Garyhaus players: GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN (because we're not really gone! we'll never be gone! we have nothing else in our lives!)
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